Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Strangers and Friends

Have you ever felt like you just don't belong? You don't fit in?

That's because you don't.  I don't either.  We ALL are strangers living here in a very strange land.

Ecc. 3:11 tells us that God has set eternity in the hearts of men.
We know deep inside that something isn't quite right here - there's something more, something better. And, it's true! God made us for a better, perfect place... in HIS presence, for all eternity.

John 10:10 tells us that there is an enemy who comes to steal, kill and destroy.
He distorts the truth and tries to use it against us, to convince us that what we see with our eyes is all there is and that each of us does not belong, or fit in, for a specific reason (not tall enough, too tall, not good looking enough, too good looking so you must be dumb, not smart enough b/c you didn't go to/finish college or get good enough grades, not from a good enough background/family/neighborhood - the lies go on and on). But, these are all lies meant to steal (our joy & peace), kill (our hopes, our dreams, our purpose) and destroy (our trust in God).

The lie: this is your home, but you don't belong b/c there is something wrong with you.

The truth: this is not your permanent home; you are a stranger in a strange land - you belong to God and HE loves you!

We all have a deep longing for something better because God has given to each of us the knowledge in our spirit that there is something better. This was put there to draw you to God. So, look to Him, pray, read your bible, sing songs to Him - fill your day with the things that will draw you closer to Him.  And, call someone to join you!

And together, consider all that HE has done to give you life, real lasting life.

May you come to know Him in the perfect way He desires and may you share His love with those around you ...
and may He fill you with His presence in a new and refreshing way and give you favor as you reach out to other women - your new-found friends!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10

"Two are better than one,
   because they have a good return for their labor:
If either of them falls down,
   one can help the other up.
But pity anyone who falls
   and has no one to help them up."

Ladies, we need each other. 

Each of us has been created very unique.  We each have been given different gifts and talents that we can share with each other, and by sharing we learn from each other and grow together in relationship - friendship.  Unfortunately, sometimes our differences keep us apart; we feel like we don't measure up because other people appear to be more talented/better gifted than ourselves and we allow jealousy or insecurity to keep us apart.  But God created us to be together, in community, to enjoy good times and help each other through rough times.  We were not created to be solitary.

The purpose of "Two Are Better Than One" is for women to gather together, acquaintances at first, but in time becoming friends, to share our sadnesses and joys, challenges and victories, to learn from each other and grow together, to study the bible, and lift all up to God in prayer.

Beginning Saturday, March 5, we are studying the Old Testament book of Esther using Beth Moore's workbook.  If you have to miss a week here and there, or even every other week - you can still be an active member of "Two Are Better Than One," and we do want you.  So pick up the workbook, grab your bible and join in.  Click on the link "Esther Study" to the right each week to see where we are so that we're all on the same page.  :)

I'm so glad you're here!